ads blocking at the network level

Nerd Stuff
[email protected] Feb 21, 2025 05:49 PM

I first started with Pi-Hole on my two debian pis, then went through to AdGuard.

Found AdGuard a little sloppy over the past 6+ months and now back with Pi-hole, and everything is great again.

My only issue with Pi-hole is that unless you do a docker install, it wants to make use of the /var/www/html/admin dir which is what my FreePBX wants too.

So what i did was rename FreePBX admin folder to something else because it is already set up.

Installed Pi-hole and then rename the admin folder to admin-pihole, and moved the FreePBX dir back to admin.

$ nano /etc/pihole/pihole.toml

and changed webhome = "/admin-pihole/" ### CHANGED, default = "/admin/"

$ systemctl restart pihole-FTL.service

Now it can be accessed from the web browser (in my case based on my local lan):


Note this is only addressing the webdir spot conflict and renaming pi-hole dir. Follow all other guides for the un/install and such.

admin webdir crowdness freepbx pi-hole adguard dns ads blocker network ads blocker.